Alarm 3 occurs often

Hi there!
I’m using the AtomStack A70 with Lightburn on a MacBook Pro.
Some of my figures where cut out correctly, at others the laser stops with Alarm 3 - mostly at the same point!
I tried out to change the settings from buffered to synchron and changed the value between 500 and 1100. With this the laser stopped at a few mm earlier or later or no changes!

Additional information to my post ALARM3:

I’ve installed the software on a PC with WIN 11 and the same error occurs!
Alarm 3
Is there anyone who could help me in this issue??


Alarm 3 is often caused by “Noise” in the signal cable and the machine is getting bad info. Or it could be a mechanical issue with your machine, since you stated it happens at the same or close to the same place every time. With the system powered off, slowly move the gantry back and forth as well as the X axis and feel for any binding. Repair as needed.
If you don’t find a mechanical reason for this, try a different, quality USB cable with a ferrite filter.

OK - thank you!
there is no blocking in the x and y direction - so I’ll change the usb-cable! Hopefully this will be a solution!


Now I’ve brought a USB-C cable (which should be doubled shielded) and additionally I’ve put it through a ferrit nut.
The first shapes were OK, even those which stopped at the last time. Then I tried some new and the same error accours :frowning:

So this might not be the reason of the ALARM3!!

Do you have any other ideas?
Maybe new firmware on the laser?

The only other thing I can think of is going through a USB 2.0 Hub. Some Mac users have reported connection issues when connecting directly to the USB 3 connection on the Mac. Something about Mac OS doesn’t translate to 2.0 properly.

It seems the cheapest, dumbest hubs work the best. I didn’t mention that earlier because that is usually associated with not being able to connect to the laser.

I personally haven’t experienced these issues because my Diode laser is connected to a PC and I connect my Mac to my C02 via LAN. Although I did connect my Macbook to my Diode a couple days ago to see if I could replicate the connection issues. I didn’t have any issue connecting no matter how I tried, with or without hub, but I didn’t try running a job.


this is unfortunately not the solution! I tried it with a PC and Win 11 - one figure was ok, at the next it stopped with ALARM3!
Then I took the original cable and used it at the PC-side with USB2, put the cable through a ferrit-nut - now it goes 7cm (before it was 3cm - two times) but then it stopped with ALARM3!

I guess the laser-controller has got a problem and should be replaced?!

I tend to agree with you that it’s probably not a Mac USB issue if it acts the same with a PC and different cables.

Since you have access to a PC, try it with LaserGRBL and see if you get the same results. If so, reach out to the manufacturer for support because it appears to be a hardware problem.