Anomaly editing 'device name'

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Release: 20.04
LightBurn 1.2.01 Thu 2022-07-21 @ 12:05

I advised @rfresh737 about it in this thread … maybe this is what he was referring to this and I didn’t catch it…

I usually change the ‘Device’ id to something that include my IP… as a note to myself…

Screenshot from 2022-07-29 09-06-07

However, my IP changed and so I modified it as usual from this

To this

And clicked next through finish.

I notices the description didn’t change in the laser window, when I click on devices, I still see the original description with the 114 ip address. If I go back through the and edit the device, the original description is there … appears to save the new IP but not the modified description.

Anyone explain this?


I’ve never had the description not update. Can you try rebooting? It may be cached.

I hate to popo (power off, power on / rebooting) machines, reminds me of DOS, I popo’d it a lot…

I’ll give it a shot, but I don’t have the ‘warm woollies’ about it… I keep hoping we’ve past that in software…

Well I had to re-edit it for it after the boot to update it in the window… kind of odoriferous to me… it retained the ip, but the text I entered was apparently ‘lost’…

I guess we haven’t gotten away from ‘turn if off then turn it back on again’ conundrum… :frowning:



Actually, I should have been clearer, I meant only to restart LightBurn.

But agree, it’s not ideal to have to restart but also not a huge issue since the name doesn’t impact functionality and since restart is not a huge impact with LightBurn.

On a separate note…

Is there a reason why your IPs are changing at all?

Yes they are set by the router. Mine isn’t installed and the cable companies modem/router combination is a real poor pair. It’s missing some of the details, such as identifying an ip as static or having a static pool of ip addresses.

If something boots out of order it’ll end up with a different ip… I plan on replacing their modem with mine and my router. Then I could bind the mac of the bridge to an ip and it wouldn’t change…

Just need to get off my butt…

I had just re-booted and checked this… it’s just odd that it’s losing the text data part of the record. That part was lost, which indicates some kind of issue… I’m sure that’s not part of the software design.


Oh… so the modem/router gives you no ability to set assignments? That sucks.

I didn’t think Ruida could get dynamic IP addresses actually. Thought it was static only.

Well if your ISP is like mine they charge you to use their modem/router. So a good incentive to get off their equipment.

Is this a length limit? Or special characters?

It is static only, but when it’s connected to the ‘lightburn bridge’ the Pi is dynamic, so expects an address.

That’s what changing…

As the river said, my sediments exactly…

Yep, it’s like $10 a month. I also have Starlink, but the dish installation has been kind of an issue.

Screenshot from 2022-07-29 09-06-07

I don’t think so… all I’m changing is the last octet. The next screen shot shows the whole ‘device name’

Well, I set it to grbl to check something, when I went back, it had returned to the 114 address … Guess I was premature ‘solving’ this…


You should consider some of the mobile home internet services like from T-Mobile or Verizon. If available and working well they can be liberating.

Odd… Maybe take a look at the prefs file to see what’s happening.

We live out in the sticks, even cell service is bad… we’re lucky to have 100mb cable internet…

Starlink works very well considering what’s going on. I had download speeds in the 300mb range.

The ‘new’ edit of the description doesn’t seem to be in the .lbprefs file… the new ip is there…meaning I also changed the ‘displayname’, which didn’t get updated.

20220729_102849.lbprefs.txt (130.3 KB)

I think I ‘unsolved’ it…


A directional external antenna can potentially help with this if you can identify the cell tower location. If you have line of sight especially the gains can be pretty significant.

Glad Starlink is an option and working for you but the availability and cost is potentially prohibitive for a lot of folks.

Can you try editing the change from LB and see if/when it gets updated in the prefs file? Or more importantly, when it’s getting rolled-back?

What device name is listed in File->Load prefs backup?

It seems to be working now… Lets give it a couple days and see if it’s induced by something else…?


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