Anycubic GRBL - LB Software won't Jog Laser

Its moving around like it wants engrave the text. Runs through the whole thing. But nothing is coming out of the laser? Its not burning nothing?

This software is nice. And I like the videos.

You’ll have to find out how you’ve connected the laser to the machine - Is it a fan output, or something else? If it’s a fan output, is it tool index zero (the default) or a different one?

It came with it. It just plugs in? Two wires a red/white

Its a combo … does plastic and laser. So you unplug one and then the other.

But I will contact their support. Thank you for your help today. Feels like I did something.

If you can ask them for a GCode sample that fires the laser I can probably get what I need from that.

Okay well they haven’t responded yet. Here is a pic of my little mule…the laser … just chomping at the bit to burn something.

What control actives a “test” run so I can make sure my placement is correct.


The ‘Frame’ buttons do this. How do I turn on my diode at low power to focus it or frame a job?

Got the buttons to come up. But she still won’t fire off. Console says stream was finished in

That’s normal. Does it move and just not fire?

Yes it does.

Then you still need to figure out how to fire the laser, I assume. The joys of Marlin and the extreme configurability means I cannot easily tell you how your laser is connected or what commands would fire it.

With GRBL or Smoothieware, there’s really only one answer because they have dedicated laser functions.

Thanks … I looked up the serial number online and it goes a brand called ORTUR? but there is no brand anywhere on the laser itself.

And nothing in the manual to explain it any better that I can see. Appreciate your help this far. I am surely getting the software … I like all its features!

And if they don’t get off their ARSE and reply to my support ticket … I might be buying another laser… #suggestions under 500

Hey Ron,
I’m currently in the same boat. Can connect, can jog, can send commands, but the laser doesn’t fire.

Is there any way to get a list of available commands of the machine from the console?

Also, on a side note, can you use the .bmp feature of the Mega Pro? Mine will only print the dinosaur it came with, it won’t laser any of my custom files, even though I stuck to the manual closely (bw bitmap, 1 bit only, windows format)…

Hey Wildfang,

No I can’t see anything through the console. I have TWO cards. One they didn’t even format or load? The first one I got I can only read the files from the computer. The Mega Pro does not see them. Nothing. IT’s probably going back soon.

There customer support is rock bottom as well. Nothing.

Hey Ron,
the Megas are a bit picky with the formatting of the card, try reformatting them in FAT32 for a test. Mine came with only one card, and it prints and reads the files that were on it just fine, but it won’t laser my own images :frowning:
Their customer service is quite good usually, they sent me a replacement for the glass bed without any hassle. But they haven’t answered my question regarding the laser neither, unfortunately. It’s really stupid because I want to engrave my new ukulele but the laser doesn’t want to print my files :confused:

Thanks Wildfang,
I did and that didn’t do me any good.
If you here from them it will be good to get a fix. I’m guessing as stated here we need a “skooch” of Gcode to set it off.

Hopefully soon. Otherwise I have been shopping.

Hello All,

I have exactly the same problem with my Mega Pro. Have also tried it with other laser software and nothing happens. I am on a mack but also tried it on PC. Mac light burn just crashes out and PC says not laser not responding then crashes if you try again. Its clearly an Anycubic issue, Lightburn looks so good Just wish it would work. Me to no reply from Anycubic support. Mine might be going back soon as the need to Cut vectors outweighs my 3D print needs.

Guess we will have a LASER Party when we figure it out! At least they can’t deny its not an issue!

I hope they will reply… As they use Marlin, the possibilities are so broad. Maybe it would help to find out the pin of the plug they put the laser on?

Yeah there on National Holiday until the 9th… so we wait. lol

Hopefully, all will be revealed on there return from holiday