Automatically arrange and fit vector shapes into material size

There is a great lack of functionality of automatically arrange and fit vector shapes into material size or user definable area, to get optimal material usage and minimum wastage.

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What specifically are you wanting to do. We may already have something that could help, if you explain what you are trying to accomplish with a bit more detail. Showing us examples might help.

It is a tool that automatically puts a separate part into a worksheet for maximum material savings. Sample Vectric-aspire tool nesting (1)

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why not use just the program you are showing? it should not be so complicated to export and import what you want.

€ 1,800 for one feature? : D

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… and Lightburn costs 40- 80 … and has never declared itself a CADCAM program. I mean nesting functionality is high on the wish list, have you been there? And if the development of LightBurn goes as fast in the next 2 years as the last 2 years, we also have a nesting-like feature for semi-professional use in the future. But everything has its price and rising the price of LightBurn too much has other, unwanted consequences, so it is always a balancing act. Maybe there will be different variants of LB or modules you can buy, who knows. it is better not to write anything than to talk about nothing when you have nothing to say;)

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If your source is an SVG or multiple SVG’s just go to



yes, you are probably right, you just buy nest vectors for 1800 Euro and have a good time.

You are asking about a process known as “nesting”, placing objects for you, based on a set of choices you provide. LightBurn does not do this the way you are thinking at this point. We want to, but it is going to take a bunch of work. It is very difficult math to do correctly in a reasonable amount of time. The resulting “best possible arrangement” can always be refined.

You can get things arranged in the lay-out to maximize your material using the ‘Array / Grid’ tools to nest objects but this is not the same as a dedicated nesting function. In this video, we show examples of how the Array tool can help with the layout.


Hi, think I would rather spend 20 minutes now and then moving bits and pieces around and waste a couple of inches of material and save myself €1800.
As for lightburn, it’s a great piece of software which is affordable for everyone.

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Thank you.

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Thanks! Looks like it supports DXF files as well. Took me about an hour to figure out how to work “Deepnest - Industrial nesting” software. It’s an open-source app that runs on PC, Mac, and Linux.

I ending up taking one of my designs for a laptop memory (40mm) box/organizer and telling it that I wanted to cut 3 copies on 2’ x 2’ sheets and it did the rest. For multiple part cut runs, what a great and FREE tool to have as part of your toolkit.

The first picture below shows my box/organizer’s layout as it was exported from Lightburn as a SVG. The second picture shows the best layout found by Deepnest that fits all the parts for three copies on just two sheets. For what it’s worth, when cutting this box/organizer I would have used a 2’ x 2’ sheet for each one. Now I can fit 3 copies on just two 2’ x 2’ sheets!

Sadly, this leads me down a rabbit hole of optimizations questions – what is the perfect size sheet and part count run, etc. :upside_down_face:

Thanks for sharing the link for Much appreciated.


1 Like takes half a day to come up with a arrangement that I dan do better in 10 minutes … there must be something better than this I hope …

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If you hadn’t tried it yet, try enabling “Use rough approximation” under Deepnest settings. Made it HUGE difference for my test file at least.

2021-02-12 07_06_11-Deepnest - Industrial nesting

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