Before I buy a new tube

Hey Folks, I’m not on here much. Mainly because everything has been pretty much smooth sailing with my C02 laser since purchasing in 2019. Running a HL LaserCut w/Reci W6 130 watt tube. Ruida RDC6442. Its paid for itself many times over.

Yesterday I experienced a sudden power reduction and assume its my tube finally going bad. 90% of my jobs are 1/4" painted MDF with mask on top and adhesive backer. Keep my mirrors clean and aligned. Barely enough pulse power out of the tube to mark a test tape at mirror 1 now.

Just looking for some feedback. Based upon the “Controller Status Info”, is it likely my tube is at its end of life? Has it gone bad prematurely? Or, have I gotten my money’s worth from my tube?

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It’s hard to judge. But if you’ve used the tube moderately, I don’t think it has enough hours on the counter to die. Could it be your PSU that’s messing up? On the other hand, 5 years…possibly the tube has lost the right gas mixture…?
When you buy a new tube I’d also replace the PSU. Why not start with that, to see if that’s the problem?

I’m glad to know that the hours are not excessive and the problem could be elsewhere. I was wondering if it could be a bad power supply but was guessing the tube would stop completely if that were the case. Thanks for the feedback.


Thanks for this info. Here are two tests of my pulse at Mirror 1. Based upon your experience, is there any chance my power supply voltage could have dropped? Or, is it likely a bad tube? I’m also attaching example of some finished results. Made 60+ of this type of sign in the past 3 weeks. Then a sudden loss of power.

You tube is not in TEM00 resonance… so the tube is bad.

You can’t tell when these go bad as far as hours or usage. The only way is to look at the output like you have.



Okay, thanks again for the info. Now I’ll hold my breath and hope my new tube doesn’t sit in a delivery truck in sub-freezing temperatures while its being transported to me in TN. :face_exhaling:

Actually, I think you want it cold where it’s stored. Usually heat is a killer, so I think you’ll be better off if it’s kept cold. There is nothing in it to freeze…

Good luck… let us know …


My machine arrived with residual water in the tube from whatever testing they did before crating & shipping it. Fortunately, it arrived in March after the worst of winter was gone.

Whether a bare replacement tube has water inside is a good question, probably only answerable after opening the box. :ice_cube:

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Both of mine arrived dry.


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Awesome to know…Yes, will post an update when we are up and running again.

My new Reci W6 tube arrived today and is installed. I’m concerned with my new pulse test at Mirror 1. It does not look like TEM00. The first image is the old tube to compare to the results of my new tube. Is my new tube bad? Or could my power supply be bad?

That does not look great. You may be on to something with suspecting a bad power supply… Unless something got wildly changed in the controller with pulse timing or triggering.

Try a little longer pulse time and/or more power. Don’t want to burn through the target, but you may be just too low to get a good mark.

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If it’s lasing, it should lase in TEM00 mode. Ensure it is lasing… at what percentage are these done?

As you increase current, you get a better TEM resonance or better beam quality also referenced as the M2 factor.

Common trick used by vendors.

I would hope it would lase at, at least at 20%,

If you burn a hole through the target, it doesn’t tell you much the Gaussian power distribution.

Finally, I’d ask the vendor… :man_shrugging:


My max power pulse is set to 15. This is where I have ran it for 5 years. If the tube is lasing, there is no chance it is a failing power supply? I’m trying to figure out if this is typical behavior of a failing power supply. Could the voltage start to drift, allowing the tube to operate somewhere less than optimum? Sorry I am not familiar with the term lasing. Running at a 15 pulse, I do see a faint mark on the paper all the way through the nozzle at the furthest point of the x,y axis. But when I try to cut at 60% power, 11 mm/sec speed, (these are the settings I’ve used for cutting 6mm mdf with mask on top and adhesive layer on back)…Right now it only scores the surface. I’m going to order a new power supply to try.


can you or someone post what a good TEM00 shot should look like…
it would help us new users better understand the goal…


On the left is my old tube (BAD) On the right is after replacement. Both pulses were the same duration and power setting and were done on the same day.

Thanks Tim…
I have done this test and my results showed the same as your ‘good’ shot…
I’ve noticed the weak area on the top side of your good picture…
Is this typical with good tubes, ie. maybe increasing the shot exposure say another 1%…
Would this give a better uniform circle ?
Or is it just the typical nature of the TEM00 expected from most CO2 tubes ?

sorry to stray from the inital conversation !

I have no idea. I just knew my old tube was bad and I wanted a comparison so I did both burns when I changed it. I don’t know if a perfect circle is achievable or expected.