Hello ,
I want to install a camera in my co2 laser , i’ve seen several videos with kinds of mounts on open doors . I want to install in under the door , but work with doors closed for security reasons. I’ve calculated that it would need to be 173 degrees horizontal and 157 degrees vertical . Did anybody install a camera that wide ? Does lightburn support cameras with 180 degrees, i cannot see them in the helper menus, and all of cameras suggested have distances that get out of my laser door. I want to make sure that i will buy a right one . Thanks for help .
The camera is intended for arranging material and aligning cuts, rather than for use while the laser is operating.
Mounting it on the inside of the lid, where it is nearly centered over the platform when the lid is open, means ordinary camera lens work well.
I mounted a second camera inside the front of the cabinet with a partial view of the platform for live streaming, but it’s not useful for layout or alignment.
Ok so when i install the camera with lower degree , mounted on open door , i can set the cuts and after close the door and burn? That changes a bit , may be considerable ,
Thank you
That’s how it’s generally done. Placing the camera with its lens axis roughly perpendicular to the platform works much better than any of the alternatives.
LightBurn passes the camera image through a correction process mapping it into the on-screen workspace, with millimeter-scale accuracy. You can push the accuracy under a millimeter with considerable effort, but a better way to achieve accurate / repeatable positioning requires a fixture mounted at a known location, rather than using the camera.
The camera mount must be very stable, so some folks have added tension wires to ensure the lid stops at the same position every time it’s opened. I have not done that, but I can understand how it might improve the accuracy a bit.
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