CAMFive Lasesr CLF-CMA 1080K

Hey does anybody have a CAMFive CMA1080K Laser? I am pretty sure its the first controller. It’s a 130 Watt Laser that I purchased new in 2012. The SmartCarve is not so smart and losing part layouts so I really want to use LightBurn.

I’ve tried Rudia controllers but no luck. Smart Carve sometimes works but I have to keep installing the USB driver. Very fustrating and trying to get Christmas stuff done.

Can anybody help in getting LightBurn talking to CAMFive?

Thank you all in advance

I am in the same boat! I called CAMfive yesterday and they weren’t any help. I apparently have the 5th controller but that means nothing to me. I despise SmartCarve! It is cumbersome, buggy, and is just a pain to use. If you happen to figure something out, please update here and let me know. I’ll do the same.

Here is another thread that I found. It looks like you might have to upgrade controllers if you want to use anything but SmartCarve.

@Foxxr With a fifth controller, you should be able to use LightBurn I believe. Post a pic of the controller mounted inside the machine to Verify, but I believe you should be OK. The later CamFive controllers, which I believe started at Fifth were a Ruida controller running custom firmware that makes it talk to SmartCarve and not RDWorks.

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