Can i run my triumph laser with lightburn

Hi, i have just gotten this laser and was wondering if i can use lighhtburn with it. I dont know how to identify the controller so here are some pictures.


Also if it doesnt work with lightburn could u suggest a controller that would work. Thanks

What does the control panel look like?

That looks to be Puhan controller.

Do you use LaserSoft to control the laser?

If so, it’s not currently supported by LightBurn.

Ruida controllers are the best supported. The website list these particular controllers as being supported. I do not know if it’s a comprehensive list.

Ruida (RDC6442G / S, RDC6445, RDC6332G, RDC6344S, RDLC-320, RDLC-220)

Yes i think its lasersoft to use this machine

Do i need to replace the control screen and the box inside which is connected to all the motors ect or can i only buy 1. Im on a tight budget and if the screen didnt need replacing i wouldnt do it

Yes. You purchase them together as a kit. Have a look at Cloudray’s website and search for Ruida.

As Robert has indicated, the control panel and the controller module are a pair.

I’m curious about the other components in the system, however. As they may play a factor. For example, it’s unclear to me what the open PCB in the second photo is used for. Where does that connect to?

Can you take photos of the other components and also show how they’re interconnected?

The second picture is just the back of the screen,

If i change the controller would it improve the running of this machine? As i have noticed it doesnt do circles very well

Interesting view. What other hardware do you have? Like stepper drivers, power supplies, cooler, etc.

This would depend on the cause of the issues with the circles.

My initial reaction is that any controller should be capable of burning circles to a high degree of accuracy so is not likely to be the root cause issue.

What are you experiencing?

Not sure if you can tell from the picture that the circle kind of has flat spots

And from where the laser starts cutting the circle to the end point it is slightly off, like the starting point and finishing point always seems slightly off if that makes sense

I can’t really see this in the photos. Might be easier to see with an engraving.

Not obvious from the photo but these issues are almost certainly mechanical. Specifically, due to backlash. Suggest you do a full mechanical review looking to eliminate any backlash in the system. This most typically from pulleys not being fully secured to the stepper shaft.

In these photos I see 6 stepper motor drivers with 3 axes used on the controller. How does this work? Are 3 of these not actually functioning?

I don’t see a dedicated 24V power supply. Do you have one?

Overall, I don’t see anything here that would be fundamentally difficult moving over to an alternative controller though. Seems fairly typical hardware wise.

I just picked this up and all i know is its been messed around with alot. I have noticed some weird stuff going on with the wiring. My knowledge on it are very limited but i guess its all a learning curve. Yes it only has 3 stepper motors, 1 for x and 1 for y and 1 for z. Tonight i took at look at the lences and they look really bad condition. Another question would be what lense/ mirrors to get. The person i got it from said its a 120w laser but again im not sure

What is the 24v power supply for ?

I think the power supply is under all those cables below the controller

It typically will power all the non-laser components like the controller and stepper motors.

Specific mirrors and lenses are an entire area of exploration with many considerations and subtleties.

I’d suggest focusing on one major change at a time so you can isolate the output variance to the change made.

Take a look at the tube directly. The tube rating should be written on it. If you’re still not sure, then measure the length and diameter of the tube. That can give you an idea of what the expected nominal wattage of the tube was supposed to be.

The reason for me checking the mirrors and lense was because it wasnt really cutting as i was expecting. I had it on full power and 6 speed to cut this 4mm acrylic