Can not connect my red and black

I cannot get Lightburn to find my laser. I have tried all ports I keep reading about drivers I might need to download?

What method of communications are you attempting to use? If it’s ethernet, check the settings on the panel for IP address and ensure that you don’t have a conflict with another device on your network. I speak from experience on that part.
If it’s USB, you would have been presented with an option to install the necessary drivers if you are using windows.
Consider to add what computer operating system you are using, information which will make it easier to assist you.

I’m using windows 10 I tried usb port both of them. Then I connected Ethernet cable from pc to machine. Cannot get to recognize the laser. I tried entering in manually and no luck.

I’ve not tried to connect the ethernet of the laser to the network port of the computer. It’s possible that can be made to work, but I suspect it’s not a good way to go about it. Your laser should be connected to your home network via router.

A sequence that can be helpful (speakers required) is to disconnect the laser from the USB port. Turn up the volume and re-connect it. You should hear the windows connect/disconnect chime. If you want to know the sound, you can test it by connecting a flash drive. That sound when the drive is plugged in should be duplicated when you plug in the laser.

Also note that there are two USB ports on my red/black laser. One is to take a USB flash drive, the other is the connection to the computer. Ensure you are using the correct port on the machine.

You’ll discover soon that USB is a miserably unreliable method of communications. Once you have the ethernet working, you’ll be glad you did.

Are you able to make use of ethernet or should the USB option be pursued?

In order to get my network connection, I purchased a Netgear Orbi system which provided reliable wireless to my hobby room and the satellite device has hard wired ports, one of which I used for the laser.

If you didn’t install the FTDI driver, that’s likely the problem. Here’s a short thread about that very thing:

Personally I’d work on getting the ethernet working instead. Is mo’ betta.

I don’t have a home router. Had an extra pc I just docked it next to the laser. So I need to get a router I do not have cable or internet I work off my hotspot on my phone. Ty for the information. Guess I got to figure

I’ve not been able to locate anything via internet search that says how to do it, but a couple of links that die away that say it works. Perhaps someone with direct experience can chime in. Barring that, you could connect a cheap router to your computer and to your laser to provide connectivity. You would still have internet via the hotspot, and a separate network for the laser.

TY once again I will get a cheap router.

“My laser” and “red and black” are not informative enough - What controller is in your laser, or at least, what is the stock software it comes with? If we know the kind of controller in it, we can point you at the resources needed to connect to it.

If it’s a Ruida or TopWisdom controller, the FTDI driver that you can choose to install on the last page of the LightBurn installer. If it uses a Trocen, you’d need to install the stock LaserCAD software to get the driver. If it’s something else entirely, it might not be compatible with LightBurn.

I installed the FTDI Driver and connected. TY to all helped on my first of many problems. Now to do my first burn.

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