I recently bought a new laptop and installed both CorelDraw 2019 and Lightburn. I followed all instructions to a T but when I click on the Lightburn logo I get a run time error 2147467259 Activation Selection Range. When I try to debug I get no where, if I have a design in the program I get a Run Time Error 53 when attempting to launch Lightburn. I’ve been trying to get answers from Corel Tech support but they are no help at all. When I installed both of these programs on my old computer they went together flawlessly. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I will try that when I get home tonight. Thank you!
Go through this thread and see if it helps you. I posted what worked for me near the bottom of the thread.
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Well I’m finally operational, I ended up having Corel Tech Support remote in and he was finally able to get everything working. It did do my heart good to watch him struggle with it also. Thank you both for trying to help me!!!
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