Cannot connet to Server due to network error

Is it possible you have a firewall running on your wifi router that’s blocking the connection?

We’ve confirmed that you have DNS resolution to the domain and can connect to port 443. Realistically there has to be something actively preventing the switch to port 63658.

What ISP are you on?

Can you run this in a command prompt and report back results:
ipconfig /all

Hi @rev337 if you are comfortable with wireshark. run it just before you start Lightspeed and stop it after the Lightspeed error. below is an extract of mine with the error.
263 5.662180 {my ip address} {my dns address} DNS 76 Standard query 0x5bd8 A
264 5.687537 {my ip address} {my proxy address} DNS 76 Standard query 0x5bd8 A
265 5.732641 {my proxy address} {my ip address} DNS 108 Standard query response 0x5bd8 A A A
266 5.735587 {my dns address} {my ip address} DNS 108 Standard query response 0x5bd8 A A A
267 5.735629 {my ip address} {my dns address} ICMP 136 Destination unreachable (Port unreachable) TCP :
268 5.788041 {my ip address} TCP 66 63658 → 443 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1
270 6.039904 {my ip address} TCP 66 443 → 63658 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=26883 Len=0 MSS=1332 SACK_PERM=1 WS=4096
272 6.084373 {my ip address} TLSv1.2 226 Client Hello
279 6.335890 {my ip address} TLSv1.2 154 Server Hello
1219 35.660954 {my ip address} TLSv1.2 61 Alert (Level: Warning, Description: Close Notify)
1220 35.661066 {my ip address} TCP 54 63658 → 443 [FIN, ACK] Seq=180 Ack=1433 Win=262400 Len=0
1231 36.232014 {my ip address} TCP 61 [TCP Retransmission] 63658 → 443 [FIN, PSH, ACK] Seq=173 Ack=1433 Win=262400 Len=7
To get what your IP address and DNS addresses are run ipconfig in your powershell. You obviously won’t have a proxy

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