Cannot find my Laser cutter

I have no recognition of my laser device(Wizmaker L1 36W) in Lightburn. I can see it, move it, and burn with it through LaserGRBL, but Lightburn does not even know I have anything plugged in. I have 3 brand new cables that I have tried, a cable connection is not the problem. I seem to have paid $100 for a program that I am not able to use. Please help. Also, the program has never asked me for my key. Is that weird? Maybe that is the problem? It may think I’m in a trial period?

Hello and welcome to the forum. Here are some examples of what the license management page looks like in LightBurn. The green bar will let you know how many left you have of the free trial. If your key is activated, the green bar will indicate how many days left of software updates you have.

How the LightBurn License Works

Your laser, a Wizmaker, uses a 32 bit controller, so when creating the device profile for your laser in LightBurn, you should select GRBL-LPC as the controller type:

Are you able to select the COM port your laser is using from your laser window? Here’s mine as an example:

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Thank you for your response, but none of this helps me. I have it set my com port, yet it does not recognize any devises. I have redownloaded and now I cannot get past any screen other than finding the devise.

Starting at the back and moving forward.
Lightburn operates exactly the same in trial mode as it does fully registered. It’s been a while since I first installed, but if I remember correctly you need to go to the Help menu> License Management and enter your key there. It will not ask for your key until the trial is over, but you can enter it any time before then.

When you try to connect to Lightburn do you disconnect from LaserGRBL first? It is a common error among new users to forget to disconnect from any other programs first. Only one device at a time can use the connection.

Did you go through the steps in the getting started guide?


Thank you. But I cannot seem to get past a screen that forces me to find my devise. If I choose not to find it, it closes out the program.

To be fair to all, folks are trying to assist you. When posting the same issue more than once, does not get more views or better answers. It does consume more time and resources and is generally less productive in getting your resolution.

Officially, please do not double post.

I will merge your posts together to help keep responses to the issue you raise in one place. This will also benefit others searching for similar resolution.

Edited: I also removed the duplicate posts and replies.

Once again, I could not find any evidence that my posts had originally went through. My login showed that I had not posted anything. That is why it appears I posted multiple times. It was because it looked as none had been posted, so I would try again.

It would be nice if I could speak directly to someone about my situation now that I see none of the responses are addressing the issue I have. I appreciate any help I can get. Thank you.

Thank you for explaining your experience. You can view all the activities of your account by visiting your profile pace here: Profile - AudioCross - LightBurn Software Forum, then look at the ‘Activities’ tab for details.

I note you and one of our staff, @JessN had started working together, which is great. I also see @thelmuth, one of are valued regulars, has offered to assist. You are in good hands.

One thing I can think of that would help them help you, please provide a few screenshots showing exactly what you are seeing and what you are experiencing, to illustrate the issue(s). In this case, the adage is apt, “A picture is worth…”, you know. :slight_smile: Thanks

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Let’s try again. You said you are able to connect and run the laser with LaserGRBL. Is this on the same machine you installed Lightburn? Did you disconnect from LaserGRBL before trying to connect with Lightburn?

What steps did you take to attempt to connect to Lightburn? List them in order please. Better yet, show screenshots along the way.

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Yes, I even uninstalled LaserGRBL before trying to run LightBurn. Here is a short video of my situation.

According to @jessn you need to set this machine up as GRBL-LPC, not GRBL. Need to start there.

Thank you, but I have tried this and have the same issue. Wizmaker, and Light Burn, both have my device as a GRBL machine. I have even found a WIZMAKER.lbdev file on their website that is supposed to be the file to choose from, yet it still gives the same error message after I have it chosen as my device.

I see where Wizmaker says it’s GRBL. They may have updated their controller since JessN last worked with one.

In Lightburn open a new file, nothing on the screen. Drag and drop the .lbdev file onto the lightburn work area. That should install the file properly. It should give a confirmation message that it was installed.

After that, with the USB Cable disconnected, click on the dropdown next to the devices button and note the com ports. Then plug in the USB and turn the laser on and see if anything new appears. That’s your laser, select it.

If nothing new appears in the dropdown you need to go to device manager and see if it appears there.

When taking screenshots please don’t use phone pics, the glare and moire on the screen make it difficult to see.

Same error message. And still no control of the machine.

Does the dropdown change when you plug and unplug the USB?

Try installing CH341 driver.

Yes it does. I cannot have a port option show unless the machine.

I already have the CH341 USB to serial port installed. It comes with the machine. I would not be able to see a COM without it. is plugged in and turned on.

Ok, so you have the driver installed & the com port shows and disappears in the dropdown when you plug and unplug. You select the correct com port in the dropdown but the console still shows waiting for connection. Is this all correct?

I spoke with him for a bit this morning. He seems to have done everything right, but it definitely has a communication problem. Gets jibberish in the console window. It works with LaserGRBL and another software he mentioned, maybe Wizmaker’s software, not sure. He even tried 3 different computers, all with the same results. I suggested he email support, as there is nothing else I can think of.

Thank you for your kind and through efforts here @thelmuth. Much appreciated. :slight_smile: