January 22, 2025, 6:42am
Hi. I have connetced my artisan via cable but all i can do is fire croshair and move the axis, but every time i move it it moves dubble. In lightburn i can not get the rotory module to work at all.
I have tried GRBL-M3 and snapmaker 40w and it makes no diffrent.
I dont know anything about coding so expekt to to talk easy to me
January 22, 2025, 7:47pm
Did you setup your laser by importing a device .lbdev file?
Dear makers, Good day to all. 😄 We’ve recently updated the Wiki on Using Artisan with LightBurn. You can check out the instructions below. Hope they are helpful to you! And don’t forget to comment below if you have any feedback or suggestion 🤗 ! ...
Reading time: 1 mins 🕑
Likes: 4 ❤
January 31, 2025, 4:40pm
Yepp i did, I have followed all the stepps on snapmakers site but still no go.
February 3, 2025, 7:12pm
Check this thread if it helps:
I’ve read a couple of threads about the Artisan and other Snapmaker machines having problems with Lightburn, but those were all a couple of months ago. Have there been any updates? Mine either doesn’t connect at all or you can only move the motors manually.
I’m new to Lightburn, but I’ve tried the following: different protocols (Snapmaker Marlin, GRBL and GRBL-M3 1.1e) and could only get some movement out of the Artisan with GRBL-M3 1.1e, and it seemed to either split the movement into two with…
Try the guide by @Skreelink )
With the new IR laser coming out, I figured testing and guides would follow. Lucky enough, it seems with minimal tweaks, Lightburn works with the new IR just fine. 🙂 So here’s a guide on setting it up fully with Lightburn for auto-focusing and...
Reading time: 7 mins 🕑
Likes: 20 ❤