Change 2 lines to 1 cut line

I am trying to cut out this puzzle (file below).
To maximize the use of the materials, I wish to only cut 1 line and make the entire puzzle.
When I import my picture (made in Photoshop) into LightBurn and trace it, I get 2 lines.
This means it now will cut with a very small piece of leftover wood - waste of space.
I tried different layout solutions from Photoshop, but whenever I trace, I get the double lines.

How do I go about making this, so it stays one line?
I’m sure there’s an amazing trick, but I havent figured it out.

Yeah, that looks more than promising!
What did you do? :slight_smile:

Oh well, thanks a lot man

Note that there are many online puzzle generators that are available as well. Here’s one:
Jigsaw puzzle generator (

Hi and thanks.
I had to create my own because I needed the edges to continue, not end in a real like puzzle.

When I use the puzzle creator, I still end up with the double line problem btw :slightly_smiling_face:

But the file I received has worked, so all is well

Hello, I’m newish to laser engraving. However, I recently watched this Lightburn Youtube with a jigsaw and was able to follow and replicate a jigsaw. Cut Puzzle Using “Cut Shapes” from Lightburn Software