I’m not arguing implementation. I’m arguing the reading of the listed specification.
I’m not aware of anything at a configuration level that would allow for selection of 3.3V vs 5V. Maybe a toggle on the board itself.
However, the fact that 50% reads at 1.7V makes me think this is intentional instead of degraded 5V signal. I suppose the level translator chip could have failed.
I suspect it’s not actually directly adjusting voltage down. I think the single potentiometer is just adjusting relative current. So by increasing current across the board you effectively compress the voltage required to reach the same currents.
Yes you can’t trust them… You have to apply what you know about these to be true at time…
I had a grbl for the Arduino and it ran a 1mS period (1kHz)
The Ruida defaults to 50uS period (20kHz)…
I’ve run the Ruida at 1mS… jumping around to 16uS (60kHz), can’t tell the difference…
There’s also a major language issue…
What does this mean?
the pulse peak is required to reach 5V
I think it means, 5V to get the peak pulse… right to left…
They have to work similar for there to be any interchangeability… Sometimes I think it’s translated incorrectly or whatever… probably why there is so much debate over what it means. We see the same with Ruida manuals… Every time I see Wind on the Ruida, I think of passing gas I guess that is an air assist.
I think the dlc32 is used a lot and mine was also 5V on the ttl output. Even reading the manual, it doesn’t say why you would need to adjust the lps… they promised a schematic, but I could never find it… I’d love to see it… even if Chinese…
I was thinking there may be more specific information about configuration of the pwm signal on the SD card.
I don’t think probing J7 will do much. It’s an open source mosfet… the other pin is 12/24V…
That’s always a possibility… However the symptoms are odd to me.
I will dig mine out and try to re-flash the firmware and check it, but I’m sure it’s a 5V pwm… The computer on the controller is 3.3V, this output goes to a level converter that comes out as 5V wired directly to the J18 connector… It seems like a very odd type of failure.
I checked the wiring manual of dlc32 and It said “TTL input is PWM, the default main frequency is 1K Hz, 1K Hz~10K Hz can be set, and the voltage is
between 0V~5V” according to this maybe my board is broken
I was speculating that you potentially were viewing cached values in Machine Settings but that doesn’t appear to be the case.
Can you create a simple design and set the Cut layer power to 100%, then go to File->Save gcode, save with .txt extension and then upload that file here?
Okay… So now for sure the controller is being commanded to send 100% power but you’re still getting 3.22V. So either a faulty board or something we’re missing.
Honestly though, if you’re able to get linear voltage from 0V to 3.22V you probably wouldn’t have any issue adjusting the potentiometer to get you the range you need.
I’d like to point out that running 100% power when trying to get something to work is not necessary and not a smart approach.
The maximum suggested current for a RECI T4 is 26mA and you have exceeded that at 30mA.
It is much more wise to check current at 50% power (pwm) and check for 50% current. Pushing full power, is not a good idea. This is especially true when you are setting up the machine.
You have set this to a higher current at 100% than recommended by the manufacturer.