Coin engraving settings - 50 watt Gweike fiber

So after seeing some of the beautiful rock carvings people were making I decided to get a fiber laser.

Three questions, a couple quick ones and a longer one.

  1. Is it possible to get lightburn to immediately frame on the toolpath or do I have to set that every time I start looking at the output. I have a disk toolpath and I have to flip the setting in the popup every time.
  2. Can kughtburn drive my diode laser and my diode at the same time? I have a pro license. The diode has a chip, I guess I could download to the chip for the diode and then start my fiber but, well, the fiber is running multi-hour jobs for coin carving (or trying to, last night we had a storm three hours into the run, Sigh.
  3. Is anyone willing to share settings for fiber (not Mopa) laser coin and or rock engraving?

Right now I’m running 20%-90% power, 15000mm/min, 0.0254mm interval, 80khz. I am trying a cleanup pass every 4 passes at 30%, 3000mm/min, and 40% power. I don’t think that the cleanup is doing anything.

I’m not getting good results. I have looked at youtube, it seems that 75% of coin carvers are using MOPA lasers and I am looking for some numbers that are not MOPA.

My run last night made no discernible marks on the surface at all (Not the settings above, those were copied from a different youtube video. I believe I have a good height map and I have the program in 3d slice mode. I am trying to engrave on 1 mm thick 20mm diameter blanks that I bought just to learn the process.

With wood or sheet steel I can do a material sample. For the cost of a few square inches of material I can get a good idea of what settings mark and which cut. No idea how to approach that here.

I would gladly take ideas, other than running a bunch of three hour tests I’m lost.

You need to advise about what lens you’re using. I have material libraries for each of my lenses. Not all have been used.

I have to set it every time.

I assume you mean both the fiber and regular visible light diode. Simply, no, the files are streamed to the machine where it executes the code. So your usb is actively sending to the machine.

You can make another instantiation of Lightburn and do what you are asking.

I have these that I use with my 60W, they came from Laser Everything, so if these don’t work for you check out theirs. This is for my F160mm lens.

160mm-fiber.clb (92.7 KB)

It’s much more convenient to most of us to use mm/s. Most galvos seem to top out around 10,000/S.

15000mm/m is only 250mm/s, so most of us have to figure it out… If you’re more comfortable with mm/m then so be it… it could add to confusion.

Check out these, maybe they will help…

Don’t forget to update your profile to show the addition of your fiber.

Have fun.


Lightburn displays my speeds in mm/min, so that is what I used. Not sure if I can tell lightburn to display in different units. The lens is 210mm, they claim a 150x150mm work area. I will check thise references, thanks!

You can set how Lightburn is displaying units. Edit → Settings → Units

As far as I know there is no way to tell the controller what the units are, my only guess is that it only works in mm.

There is also a unit value on the workspace toolbar. Clicking there changes the displayed values. You can also enter items like 1.5" while in mm mode and the system will put the correct mm value in the field.


Thanks. I had figured out the unit change but auto conversion is new.

The settings that worked, gave me decent results that were not caked in black such that cleaning was difficult are:

500mm/sec, 30khz, 90% power, 504 DPI, 256 passes enable cleanup.

Cleanup was 1500mm/sec, 50 khz, 80% power, 514 dpi, 10 degree increment, auto rotate, clean whole image. Clean every 8 passes.

The laser was a g-weike G2 pro 50 watt, Raycus, 20khz-200khz. 210mm lens.

This and a depth map from sculptOK produced an engraving that was about 0.8mm deep with decent detail. Polished up nicely with 1 trip through the magnetic tumbler.

It is very likely that the first G2 Pro I got had an early failure. This one seems to be working well.

Glad to hear it’s working.

Post a photo of your coin?
