Comgrow Z1 10w Not Engraving

I hope this is an appropriate area to ask for laser help!

A few weeks ago I purchased Comgrow’s Z1 10w diode laser. And have just now gotten around to learning it due to work. I went through the instructions and updated / installed everything they needed me to. (Device parameters, Drivers)

Now when I try to engrave anything, with speed/power settings set according to manufacturors recommendations, the laser moves on both axis fine and “shoots” but does not effect the wood (Baltic Birch Plywood 3mm) in any way.

Comgrow is taking their time in replying to my email requests. So I am left to figure this out on my own, I am hoping the smart folks here could be kind enough to help me get to the bottom of this.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

Lightburn 1.7.01
Grbl 1.1f


Thank you for that info. Please also post a screenshot of your entire Lightburn screen with the Cuts/Layers Panel and Laser Panel visible. Also posta screenshot of the Settings window (gears icon) with the units and grids tab visible.

Everything looks proper, 5,000 may be a bit fast but it shuld still produce some kind of marking. I would like to see what mode you’re trying to engrave in. Double click on the layer and the edit panel will open. Take a screenshot of that and upload.

I will say though that images are the hardest thing to get right. Let’s start with something easier.

Are you sure you have the proper focus set?

Let’s do a Material test grid to get speeds and power dialed in. This document/video will walk you through the process. They have added presets for diode laser. I recommend trying those your first time. When you have those results, take and upload pictures and wwe will proceed.

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Thank you so much Tim! This is the most help anyone has given me by far!

Comgrow says to set focus 7mm from material which I have. And I have also tried doing those material gid tests but my laser will just not do anything to the wood. I can try following that guide you linked though.

You’re sure the laser is firing? In device settings (wrench and screwdriver icon) make sure Enable Laser fire button, Laser on when framing are both on and set power to 1 or 2%. In the Move panel click the fire button on and off and you should see your laser light and go off.

I can confirm the laser is firing. Axis movements are good and the laser fires properly, it’s just not doing anything to the material as if the power is limited or something.

It tracks whatever I try to engrave properly with laser turning on and off as it goes layer by layer. Could this be a lens issue? I did not see any cracks. And all the connections are properly seated. Did comgrow just sell me a faulty diode?

Others are recommending I get a refund. But I think I am past the refund period.

I agree with @thelmuth on this. Try setting your speed to 1500mm/m and the power to 30% and see what happens. Only 3 things will keep it from burning wood, speed. power, and focus.

I tried 1500 speed with both 30% and 100% power on just a simple circle with the mode set to “line”. Nothing happened. It’s like a laser pointer you would use to play with a cat.

In device settings make sure S-Value max is 1,000

Make sure the plug at the laser module is inserted in the correct direction and seated completely.

That just leaves two things, laser focus and laser power.
Try setting the focus at 5mm,9mm, and 11mm to see if that makes a difference. You can just eyeball it from the 7mm reference.

You said you bought it a couple of weeks ago. It may still be under warranty.

I hope you do not mind Tim and I both hitting you with ideas. It doubles your chancess of finding a solution.

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@ Tim, S Value being 1,000 is one of the things they mention in the instructions so it has been done.

@Mike, not at all I appreciate all of this help. I will play around with focus levels. I am sure all connections are seated properly but just for sake of absolutism I will unplug and replug all of them

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Include the ones in the controller board too. You may have to open up the box covering it.

Rodger I will report back soon with my findings! Hither too! Hussah!

No dice. All connections in controller box were seated properly and I played around with various focuses.

I just hope I can return this thing! Though I wouldn’t mind digging deeper to find out WTH is wrong with it to then fix it… A new project!

Will it do anything on paper? Be ready to put out a fire.

Check to make sure the nozzle isn’t on crooked. If it is you’ll see light but get no burning of your material.

Tim: 1500 speed and 100% power, does not burn paper (LOL)

Daryl: What do you mean by the nozzle? There is an air assist attachment on the end of this laser enclosure. And I have thought about removing it.

Pull it off and check the protective lens and the actual lens. The protective lens is usually removeable/replaceable. The actual lens is built into the module and not replaceable. Maybe there’s a chicken stuck in there.