Computer will not connect to laser when using lightburn

Hi everyone!
I’ve been using lightburn for a little over a year and I love it!
I have a 20w laserpecker lx1 max.
Working from my lenovo laptop, running windows 10.
I normally connect via USB, com3. Running GRBL.
Please note, all software, firmware, drivers & apps, are up to date.

A week ago, in the middle of engraving, the laser stopped burning, and the machine told me it wasn’t connected.
Odd, since it was working perfectly all along.

I contacted laserpecker and they told me that the laser is defective, and I had to purchase a new machine.

However, I know it is not.
I can use the laser under THEIR design space app/program. Connecting via USB it’s perfectly fine.
(Except their program is awful, and I would have to learn it and convert all my files that I have set up for LB to use it. I’d just rather not.)

I only have 1usb port in my laptop.
I’ve reinstalled the USB port/driver
I’ve turned off the sleep timer on the USB port. Ive take nicely to the machine and computer to appease the laser gods lol
But now, im Not sure what else to do!

In mass panic, I factory reset my laptop, reloaded everything, with the same outcome.

It won’t run, as soon as i connect the USB. Ive also used several different cables with the same out come.
I do not have an ethernet option.

Luckily, I have a 2nd laser unit that i would switch to when I need to clean the other one. Yet, when trying to use my spare I run into the same issue.

I will say it gives me com3, com4, and com5. But there is nothing connected to the laptop, so I’m not sure what it is seeing. Ive even turned off blue tooth for my mouse (Only 1 usb port) in case that was suddenly the issue

Any ideas?
Because I’m ready to cry and start refunding everyone’s $ for all my orders I still have to do!


Not sure if I can help, but let’s try. Just for clairification of the problem:
You say it works with the LP Software. Is that on the same PC or via phone app?
Does the PC make the connecting sound when you plug/unplug the laser from USB?
You have tried multiple USB Cables?

A couple ideas to try.
Try reloading a Lightburn preferences file from before the failure. File Menu>Preferences>Load Prefs Backup.
Install LaserGRBL and see if it works from there.
Try a different PC.

Just to clarify, when you use LB you are using the same USB port, USB cable, and USB settings as when your use the vendor SW?

Have you tested the USB port with other devices?


I’ve tried the port with the usb to my phone and it worked. I have used it with my external hard drive with no issues.
But ive also switched with other cables, but the same issue the second i attempt LB

I only have 1 usb port. Everything is set up exactly the same for each program. The only thing changing is the program.
Ive tried to power on/off, and disconnecting/ reconnecting

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