Cushion rotary jaws?

A few months ago we added a three-jaw chuck rotary adapter to one of our lasers. I generally prefer it over our roller style rotaries, but I do have one problem. The hard steel teeth can leave marks on metal pieces, and can shatter glass. Finding the sweet spot in terms of pressure to hold these things firmly without doing damage can be tough. I’m looking into options, and figured I should also request suggestions from all of you.

Are there special hard rubber or plastic jaws I should look for? Has anyone tried putting short, thick rubber bands around the teeth, and if so would you have any recommendations regarding size or material? Am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?


I’ve tried the rubber band idea and didn’t like it. Now I use a product called Plasti Dip that I bought at Canadian Tire for around $25 Canadian. You can get it in a spay but I prefer the dip as I use it for other things. Either take out the jaws of the chuck and dip them or us a brush to paint a few coats on. If you dip like I did, you may have to trim any excess off with a utility knife. I did 4 dips and it works great. You should be able to pick it up at any Automotive Parts store.

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Another idea to use would be surgical tubing like slingshots use. Cut a piece to fit the jaws and stretch it over them.

I got a set of these printed ones, but usually a little painters tape works fine.

I’ve used these before. They fit right over the jaws on my chuck rotary and worked great.


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