I need some help for Mylar Stencil cutting. With Sculpfun S9. I have tried everything from research to material test and i cannot seem to cut the mylar sheets. I have got 190
I know sculpfun s9 may not be powerful but o have seen a few people who have managed to do it. Just needed to adjust something.
Could someone help me with this? Any help would be appreciated. Please help.
I haven’t done exhaustive testing with Mylar but unless you can get some coloured sheets I don’t think you’ll have much luck even with the most powerful diode laser. I have found that coloured acetate works well in my limited tests.
As everyone has pointed out, a visible light diode laser cannot cut a transparent material, because the light goes through the material without depositing any energy: there is no heating without energy and no burning without heating.
Unfortunately, a visible-light diode laser is the wrong tool for that material.