Design HO scale brick siding

I’m brand new to using a laser cutter. I have HO scale trains and try to scratch build most of my models. How do I design HO scale brick siding without having to draw an entire building side?

Make a rectangle and use grid array.

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As Dskall says use the grid array. I’d suggest make a large panel of them and save it, then modify copies of it for different wall shapes, sizes and configurations.

A discussion about Z scale bricks and a problem you may encounter:

Similarly for roof tiles:

You’re not alone! :grin:

That was very helpful, thanks. Another question. I made a row of bricks and added a second row underneath it and offset it by half, just like the top 2 rows in your reply. When I used the grid array, it lined up the left edge of the top row with the right edge of the bottom row so there’s a half brick gap in between the 2 sections. I can physically move the 2nd section to slot in with the first, but is there a tool in Lightburn that will do that? Sorry if my description sounds confusing.

So for creating brick patterns. Is there a way to only cut in between the bricks and make that area an offset fill?

When I creat bricks I tend to not have x or y spacing is this a bad idea? Will i still have grout lines in between the bricks if i follow along with 0.5mm spacing for the bricks?

Also has anyone laser cut the bricks and obtained a bowing in the wood after engraving? 3mm basswood

never mind used offset on my brick to create an outline and then patterned off of that to create engraving only on the grout lines.

Only for a side note it also works fine with hand-drawn bricks + array function.

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