Device not found BJJCZ Device - Laser Mark Control Board V1

It will not work with the ezcad2 drivers, but I assume you know that as you tried to use one of the other drivers.

If it works with EZCad2, with the proper drivers it should work with Lightburn

Did you attempt, using the correct drivers to create a device manually in Lightburn?


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Hi Jack. Yes, I attempted a manual setup with the old driver with no luck. Its the same issue that other members with this control board have posted previously on this page. I’m not sure what else to try at this stage. :cry:

Me neither, maybe @johnjohn can help you out here…



I noticed you posted on a previous thread that the ‘Cyclone’ clone EZCAD2 board is supported. I’m having issues connecting to mine. Can you provide any tips?

Cheers, David

Cyclone boards have been supported for some time now - the clone devices report their USB ID’s in a way that we had to work around.

Have you tried using a different PC, to try and eliminate it as a variable, seeing as Zadig didn’t seem to work?

Hi Colin,

Thanks so much for your reply. So far I’ve tried 3 different setups:

-Windows 10 PC
-Windows 7 laptop (32 bit running an older version of lightburn)
-Linux mint laptop

All detect the board, but no luck in LightBurn. @Wikam has the same blue Cyclone board as mine. Could it be that the blue board clones have a different device ID to the green board clones?

Cheers, David

Hi Guys I have same problem, but I can run the device as a BSL device in Lightburn but Im not sure if the settings are correct, sometimes the connection get lost.

Hi again,

I had some free time so I back to the problem.
Without any drivers my board reports as ID 9588:9990
Afer instaling original driver it switch to ID 9588:9999 (original driver upload firmware to the board).
With oryginal driver installed windows detect the board for 2 times (two “dings” in a row after connecting/powering up).

After switching to Lightburn driver board reports as ID 9588:9990 (firmware loading mode)
I think that in order to get it working lightburn driver have to upload firmware to the board just like orginal driver do.

I can provide oryginal driver (32bit): google drive
I have also found that user Safarir have very symillar problem with different board.
He menaged to fix it on linux by extracting firmware from oryginal windows driver and load it on linux.

Here is oryginal post with tool he created that did that “magic”.

Let me know if I can help more.