Dimension and meansure tools


I miss this tool in the program :frowning:

I as well missing measurement tools. might be my main wish to clearly see in one place all measurements and to have the ability to alter those as i practice with Fusion. I have full confidence in Oz to know this and to include that in lightburn next generation 1.x release…

Meanwhile, Check this out:

Yo tb la echo en falta , es algo necesario para diseñar o correjir medidas , espero la incluyan en la proxima actualizacion.

There are some useful built in measuring tools:

There are several measuring tool request in on the Fider request page. Here is a link to one of them, I have added a comment asking for something close to what you want. (not as full featured as Full CAD programs but something that should be a good and useful start)

We’ve discussed doing dimension markers, but they’ll basically behave like lines - they won’t be driven or attached to shapes, but the ends will snap, so you’ll be able to add measurement notations to existing designs. They will never be able to drive the design process like they do in CAD systems.

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