Distortion of text with rotary

well I got this machine for a deal from a buddy who I am no longer in contact with. I never did import a lens file from them. Is that bad? what does the lens file do?

Thank you because I don’t have a stepper motor separate to my laser, it is built into the PC type box that came connected. I was just messing around with the steps per rotation until i found on that was able to go around the cup. I don’t know if my understanding of it is clear though because it ended us stretvhing out the logo which made me compensate for the stretvh with more width, which i assume you don’t do. So how exactly does steps per rotation work? Do i need to increase the frequency when i increase the steps per rotation? Do my steps per rotation need to correlate to the circumference of the cup i am engraving? if so, is there a formula that i can use to determine what the SPR should be in correlation to my cup circumference?

Sorry for all the questions, still new.

No problem!
Inside the case there is a microstep driver like the one pictured.
Might be a different color.
Look on the table and read the DIP switches, example on off off on is 12800 steps per 360.

It’s the same on both a fiber and a co2.


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On one of the very first photos, looks like a direct drive chuck, so ratio is easy.
Im guessing microstep driver is set for 12800 or 20000 based on his results he posted.

Focus the lens properly, set up as a new machine/lens, and then run the 9 point correction.
I like to use black masking tape

As fun as it is to just start blasting…
Getting lens configuration, jump and delay, and rotary settings dialed in will reward you in the long run. And you will learn a lot about your machine.

Ok thank you, i will respond after i have done these things, probably tmr because i cannot today, Thank you so much.

Full Wrap and a little color inside a titanium ring practice piece.
