DPI for Photo realistick engraving

Hello Everyone:
I am trying to figure this out, I have seen beautifull photo realistic engravings and i will love to acomplish that,.
I am using Black metal cards with an xTool F1 Ultra
Acording to the atached image, Are this settings ideal for my machine with this material?
To fast? To slow?
To much power? Not enough power?
Should I use 370 DPI (368.1)? Or the Spaces between the lines are not the most apropiate?
Is it to much Dot Width Correction?
I made my tests following this youtube video

Any comments are apreciated
thank you very much

Hi Ricardo
Have a look at this…In Documents.

“5 Steps to Perfect Image Engravings”.

Also a video about line spacing and dpi, it’s by ‘laser everything’ on youtube.

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I assume it’s the 20W fiber part you’re using. Check out this thread, done with 60W MOPA, but should be doable with your 20W, especially with aluminum coated cards.

The laser everything on photo engraving is about the best out there. He advises on his machine settings. Your image doesn’t seem to have detail being less than 100x100 in size?

Good luck


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Thank you so much, I apreciate your advice

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