I didn’t see a resolution to this thread (below, and similar other threads that have also been closed) so I’d like to breathe new life into it.
I have the same issue, simple DXF imported from Fusion, there are multiple lines,
which I have been able to delete, but when running the file in simulation, it wants to do multiple passes on every line.
hopefully this will show, it’s a simple drawing, double cuts only on the outer lines, circles cut fine.
The problem seem you have 2 segments in those lines
if you do a node editor and pull them you see is 2 lines on top of eachother sharing the same nodes
Try this
Select the triangle - Alt+B (Break apart)
Then EDIT > delete duplicateds
You will see theres 2 or even 3 lines segments there
Select trianggle
Break apart (alt+B)
SElect it again
Edit > Delete duplicared (yes)
select it again
Auto Join (Alt+J)
that should rebuild the shape all in 1 segment only (ence one pass)