DXF and multiple lines revisited

I didn’t see a resolution to this thread (below, and similar other threads that have also been closed) so I’d like to breathe new life into it.
I have the same issue, simple DXF imported from Fusion, there are multiple lines,
which I have been able to delete, but when running the file in simulation, it wants to do multiple passes on every line.

hopefully this will show, it’s a simple drawing, double cuts only on the outer lines, circles cut fine.

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could you upload your LBRN?
However - select all - Edit > delete duplicated

Any found?

hello, please assume I followed the advice in the original (linked) thread.

there are no double lines.

Visually you can see the outer wall is thicker than the inner circle
so. there is something there

Can only confirm by checking the LBRN file

guyplate.lbrn2 (28.5 KB)

The problem seem you have 2 segments in those lines
if you do a node editor and pull them you see is 2 lines on top of eachother sharing the same nodes

Try this
Select the triangle - Alt+B (Break apart)
Then EDIT > delete duplicateds
You will see theres 2 or even 3 lines segments there

Select trianggle
Break apart (alt+B)
SElect it again
Edit > Delete duplicared (yes)
select it again
Auto Join (Alt+J)
that should rebuild the shape all in 1 segment only (ence one pass)


Yes, this works, thanks.

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