.DXF import and nothing happens

I am just getting into laser use for a product design studio. I intend to use it 90% of the time cutting .DXF’s from CAD.
Problem is I cant get any files to actually show up upon import. I’ve tried both ASCII and Binary and I get no errors but nothing shows up at all. Zoomed all the way out - nothing. I’ve searched the forum and none of the topics really seem to fix this. I’m using Draftsight (makers of Solidworks) if it matters.
Additionally - Do you have to have Illustrator for .pdf’s to import? Every pdf I’ve tried from multiple different software exports complains that it’s a non-illustrator file.

If you can attach one of your .problematic DXF files we’ll take a look.

No, you don’t need Illustrator to allow you to import PDFs, if you can attach one of these as well we’ll take a look at that too.

EDIT: Oh… you’ll probably need to add a .TXT extension when attaching files as the forum is very limited in the formats it allows you to upload.

When you open or import an object, it will be selected. Use the zoom to frame selection icon zoom-to-frame-selection

The imported item is selected on import and this will pull it into your view.

There are limits on what you can drag and drop… If you attempt to do it with a non-supported file, it will advise you of the acceptable types… There is also a 4MB size limit. If it’s too large, like a video, put it in a network drive, such as Google and post the link here…

Worst case, append a .txt to the file name… if it says whatever.pdf.txt most of us know it’s a pdf file…

Good luck


I use Draftsight, and I export a R13 ASCII DXF

If you use a lot of blocks, it is sometimes best to explode them before exporting DXF. Especially nested blocks and those that are mirrored, rotated, and scale unequally.

Thanks for the replies. I think I figured out a work around. Instead of saving the entire file as a .dxf, I’ve found that exporting selections / blocks works without any issues. Cheers!

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