Engraving a beer mug

I’ve got to engrave a few glass beer mugs with a handle on. I have the hot dog style rotary now, and I have been looking for another rotary maybe, but until then I need away to engrave these things. Anyone got any ideas? 20200504_235803

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Here is a past post regarding a versatile rotary that can do many different variables. This is the style you would need to allow the handle to rotate without catching. This is way expensive but there are many others like it that are way cheaper.

Here is one for under $200 on eBay

Here is one on Alibaba




I’m kind of in a pinch, need to do these mugs sooner than later. Looking for ideas to do it know. I’m out of acrylic so I cant cut any circles. Didn’t know if there was something else other than wood.

If you have the desire, time & ability you could always build your own chuck type rotary. Here’s a couple wood chucks that would be easily adaptable to a rotary.

I have made rings out of firm foam to go on the ends that are larger than the handles.
Here is an example.

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Off to the hardware store, thanks.

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Excellent solution @HalfNormal.

Couple of observations to keep in mind so that your project does not get delayed and/or waste mugs.

The center cut out of the foam needs to be equidistant from the edges otherwise you will get a wobble . This will cause depending on your laser lens an in and out focus.

Also keep in mind that the overall circumference for your mug on the machine is the circumference of your foam rings but the circumference on the mug is less. This means that. Mug will move slower then normal which might “squeeze” your engraving

Cheers and leave it to @HalfNormal to come up with an excellent solution

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