I had the same question as this thread, which was closed without answer.
I found that the door and its switches of my new OMTech 40K+ were all OK. I solved the problem by pressing the reset button.
I had the same question as this thread, which was closed without answer.
I found that the door and its switches of my new OMTech 40K+ were all OK. I solved the problem by pressing the reset button.
Hey, when you press the reset button on the laser do you then have to go into Lightburn and type $X, or does pressing the reset button take care of it for you and it will allow you to go straight into cutting?
Yes I have to enter $x after pressing the reset buton.
Both seem te be nesesary each time the machine is conected an when lid was opend.
Bummer. I’m glad it’s not just that my machine is broken, but I’m sad to hear that seems to be how these units work. Thanks for letting me know, saves me trying to “fix” it.
I mostly find it annoying when looking if the laser is in the correct position. So i use a webcam inside to prevent opening the lid over and over.
If developers read this : a hotkey would be welcome. If it already exists, can someone show us?
It sounds like the door protect switch pulls down one of the limits or otherwise halts the controller. You could wire it up via the P terminal to stop the lps from firing… However with grbl, the machine will continues to run the other mechanics.
Other option is to find a controller that has the ability to use this with intelligence and no have to reset everything when this does occur.
There’s some pretty smart people over at Maker Forum, might cruise over there they do a lot of K40 stuff… @DougL might be able to enlighten us.
I would suspect someone over there has a handle on this… Not having one of these machines can be make suggestions a bit tough.
Good luck
Hi everyone, I just recieved an OMTech K40+ now and have booted it up to find this “Error 13”. However when I close the switches with tape it does not resolve the error in Lightburn. Any other thoughts of how to troubleshoot?
Cheers, Alan
Did you pres reset and enter $x after closing the switches?
Does it work when closing the door? I would not leave the door open when firing the laser, the switches are there for a reason.
I tried the combination of pressing reset and entering $X in the Lightburn console after closing the door and still nothing. I can’t even get the head to move to the home position, let alone get to the point of firing the laser.
And don’t worry I also have no plans to fire the laser with the door open! I just want to get the machine to work normally with the door closed.
Are there any other interlocks that could be tripping this error? I will go checking through the wiring tomorrow with a multimeter to see if I can trace and open connection or some other issue. Although to be fair to the factory the wiring does at least look quite tidy and well built. But let’s see if we can find anything.
hi today I received the K40 Plus and it also gives me error 13… did you solve it? if so how?
thanks valerio
Hi Valerio,
Yes, I was meaning to post an update. There is also an interlock wired into the door/estop loop that looks for a signal on the water flow. I.e. you must have the pump/resovoir connected and water flowing before the whole safety interlock releases. It is just a limitation of the error message 13 that this is not mentioned that it could be other interlocks.