Error 13 safety door detected as open and door state imitated

Hi, I’m new to laser cutting and using light burn but haven’t had a good start. I have an OMTech K40. I’ve not been able to get the machine to do anything from lightburn

I’m getting error:13 and wondering if anyone can advise on how to fix it?

I was originally getting error:9 too but upon this attempt it seems to have fixed itself.

Photo of console attached

Have you checked that your door switch is closing?

Error 9 is probably related to the door sensor being detected as open too: Troubleshooting: GRBL Errors - LightBurn Documentation

Hi, I have exactly the same problem, plus the Status Indicator Light is always red.

Hi ive just bought my omtech k40 plus and am getting the same error code.
Did you manage to fix the corcern? Or could someone point me in the right direction

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