Error 9 when using outside

Let me move outside with better lighting in a bit it’s hard to see from pics but I mean looks like lose timing belt pic. Pulled basically as hard as reasonably could with fingers but maybe I’ll get pliers or something and really pull tight

Ok in conclusion I was short tempered and the idiot in the end. I tightened those straps pretty good initially but ultimately I got pliers out and pulled as tight as I could and seemed to work perfect. I don’t see how anybody could possibly over-tighten those. I pulled pretty hard with pliers and I mean they’re not tight ropes but are strong. I can’t speak on glowforge but there are a lot of fumes using this so an enclosed printer may be the better choice yet for 1/6th the price I am actually pretty pleased with this. Yeah hopefully if other people are getting riled up they read this and go ok I should take a step back and relax. It’s a good product. Assembly took me 2 hours as first time I mean if doing again I could prob do it in 30-45 min. Getting kinks out/learning basics with otrur as well as lightburn took me about 2 days. Now things look decent for future. Thanks all for bearing with me and helping. Still maybe slightly cuts taller than wider but its not as noticeable now

Not kniowing exactly the thickness of the material i think one thing you must remember is
Focus at the bed of the machine THEN put the material on top
You want to focal point to be at the bottom of the material
So lets supose its 5mm thick. If you focus at the top layer of the material by the time you are mid way through the cut your focus is getting duller
And the deeper you go the sharper you need it to be, because you will be fighting the left overs of the other passes cuts

Oh. I have it focused at top of material. This is 1/8" I have like 25 different woods I’m trying this on all of them. Well engraving would be ideal to have top focus right? what about doing focus mid way through material? Also I will probably stick with 1/16" or so material unless a certain wood here seems good thats just what the sample pack came in was 1/8"

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