Error Codes 9 and 20

I am getting two error codes 20 & 9. What does this mean?

9 = GCode commands invalid in alarm or jog state.
20 = Unsupported or invalid GCode command

Can you provider more details on what’s happening? Maybe describe the events that led up to the error codes?

This usually happens when you’ve selected the wrong device type, causing LightBurn to send codes that the real device can’t handle.

This thread may help:

So how do I fix it

I am new to this and was just trying to cut a letter out.

The doc should explain what’s going on:

Some folks get the invalid GCode command by accidentally selecting iLaser for the device profile.

With LightBurn running and your project in the workspace,
Click File
then click Save GCode.

Upload that file in a reply here.
If it complains, change the file extension to .txt and retry.

We can verify the selected device.

It’s also pretty handy to capture the first connection message from your AtomStack laser. The first few lines share the GRBL version, GRBL option information and firmware revision dates. Occasionally manufacturers offer updates to the existing firmware to address challenging symptoms.

If you’re willing to copy & paste the connection message I’d be more than happy to take a look.

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