Error message "material thickness set to close to zero" using Gweike Cloud

Hi I have been using Lightburn with my Gweike Cloud RF laser for a while but I had to change my PC. When I reloaded Lightburn I now get an error message when I press start. The error message says " You are using a GWeike Cloud controller and have your material thickness set very close to zero. If this is incorrect it could cause your laser head to impact the material. Do you want to continue." I have my focus setting set correctly for 3mm wood (ie my z setting is 14mm as per Gweike instructions) so I was confused. I spoke to GWeike tech support and they told me it must be a Lightburn issue and just to continue. I did that and the cut worked fine. However it is annoying getting this message every time. Does anyone have a solution please?

Check this thread. Could it be that you’re in this situation:

Hey thanks so much for pointing me this way. It does look like this is the issue. Thanks

Great, i will test it as well, in prior version, i was using material thickness e.g. 3mm, 17-3mm = 14, so was putting 14 in material thickness and it was working fine. After todays’ upgrade i noticed the same, the Z height was not moving at all. So, i manually set the Z height and it was working, but that is painful, for each job I was doing this while keeping material thickness to zero, which was giving this annoying error also. I will try the real value now, hope it will work. Thanks for sharing this.

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