Looks like either the fields are swapped or the rotary is flipped in the machine… flipping the rotary around will solve the mirror, but something else is not right if the rotary is properly oriented in the machine currently.
Is your origin correct in the Device settings…?
The alignment is probably slippage of the object when it turns…
If this is vector graphics, it’s probably spinning (accelerating) too fast causing it to slip…
Reduce the acceleration and/or speed of that axes… in the machine settings…
Before monkeying around with the settings, ensure it has read your controller properly (successful read) and save these somewhere safe as the factory default… or at least something you can return to this state…
Friends I have this problem and I can’t identify how to correct it.
When using the engraver using the roller, the engraving is deformed,
What am I doing wrong and what can I do to fix it?
The circles are offsetting because the steel tumbler or cup isn’t returning to the original position.
This can be caused by a tapered cup on parallel rollers or too much acceleration causing the rollers to slip.
To address the taper of the cup. make a disk out of thin material that is the diameter of the top of the cup and with two-sided tape - tape it to the bottom of the cup so the cup travels on it’s axis.
If you have a GRBL device the settings to reduce the acceleration are in Machine Settings in LightBurn.
First, save a copy of this with the save button… put it somewhere safe.
My acceleration values are in the low single digits for the Y axes… that’s what I rotate around…
I’d start there…
Have you thought about converting it into a bitmap instead of a vector… Many of these issues disappear because you are not rotating it back and forth quickly…
I don’t do vector work except with a chuck rotary.
Do you mind posting your .lbrn2 file for us to look at…? Drop it on the reply window…