FAQ license - logged in and saw no licenses

SOLVED: I had registered my license using a different email address than I tried.

I tried what this FAQ says:

Reset my password, created one and logged in but it shows new license for me.

Not critical since the in-software license management does see my license.

Which email address did you purchase your license under? I show two of you in my system. One gmail and one yahoo.

oh, I didn’t recall using the yahoo one but maybe when I first looked into LightBurn I was apprehensive enough to use the ‘off-brand’ account. I reset with the gmail account and got nothing. Will try the yahoo one now.

you called it @LightBurn! Thanks.

I can change it over easily enough if you prefer.

It will only matter if there’s a reason to email me from the license server. I only check the yahoo account monthly at best. I value your product and service so keeping in the loop, if there is a license server loop, would be of interest. Thanks.

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