Fill and offset fill mode not working after update to .06

After the latest update 1.7.06, is suddenly the fill and offset file mode are not working properly anymore.

I have a Xtool D1 pro running problem free until this update. I have tried to shut down and restart the computer a couple of times as I have shut down the laser a few times. To rule out any problem with my file, i did make a new file and simply drew a circle. When I choose line mode, it perfectly engraves a circle as I would expect. But when I choose fill or offset fill, the laser will the first time turn on the lasermodule and move a little bit and turn off again. When I hit the play button again, it will move on the X axle until it hits the limit switch. When i open the preview screen it looks ok. So the preview screen and behaviour of the laser do not match. Can you help me with this problem please? I did send this message to support but the are closed which is totally understadable but since im in kind a hurry i am hoping someone could help me out in the weekend. Thank you!

I don’t know if it will help, but load a preferences file from before the update. File menu> Preferences> Load Prefs Backup. If that doesn’t work, load your old version of Lightburn until Support has a chance to address it.

Just curious, are you using the Lightburn xTool Device type or the one from xTool?
Kinda sounds like an issue that was fixed but weird that it just started.
I would check here:

Just to be sure.

Hi, it seems it has something to do with that. Since i followed your instruction i’m able to fill again. but it gives some other issues like the pause button is not working any more. First i tried to load a pref backup like Tim and support said and that didnt work.

Ok, it works again: I installed a 1.6 version. then installed the configuration file again which i found here: Operate xTool D1 Pro with LightBurn - xTool Support Center. Then updated til the latest version. thank you all for helping