Fill lines Shifting Randomly

I am new to laser engraving.
This issue occurs only while selectinf fill option(till now).

The circles are cut after the completion of engravings.
The circles are prefecttly alligned with the fill start portion.this behaviour seems to elliminate the possibility of belt skipping of machine.

How fast are you pushing the laser? Slow It down by half and see if that helps.

speed is just 300mm/min.
I dont think thats too fast. correct me if I am wrong.

What does the preview look like?

Press the “,” button to rotate 90 degrees and run another test. Does the problem rotate with the graphic or does it stay in the same place?

The shifting occurs in random heights.
For me it occured with multiple vectors/jobs also.
Encountered only while fill.

This was one of my previous try

See if this discussion and a solution helps.

Thank you for the suggestion. But this is not my problem.

The ruida controller is not my area of experience. Good luck!

i am using marlin firmware
and Bigtreetech skr pro v1.2 mother board

Till now i have not faced such challenge with cutting.

Is there any possibility for such problem due to usb cable or software bug.

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