Fill not working in lightburn

I have a second computer with lightburn. I have moved a copy all my files to my second computer so I can work on graphics while my first computer is hooked up to the machine.

When I important my images from the original lightburn file it shows up as line, when I switch it to fill nothing happens. Any suggestions? This computer is not hooked up to the laser anymore and I just use it to make files. I even went on google found and svg traced it in lightburn and same thing, only shows line.
I do have the latest update to lightburn.

The part about “nothing happens” is a bit vague, but I’ll bet you’ll find the answer in the window menu. Look for “filled / coarse” or “filled / smooth” to change what you see in the work area. Sometimes it’s better to leave it as “wireframe” because “filled” can hide something you may need to know. Also, preview will give you a better idea of the burn.

Use Edit > Delete Duplicates. This is why:

When I say nothing happens I mean it it says fill but still shows line. I need the fill to work for my work in the second computer.

What do u mean delete duplicates? I only have one copy.

Fills don’t show in the edit window by default. What does it show if you preview?

We don’t recommend using filled rendering for editing, because LightBurn doesn’t work like a traditional paint program - things “behind” a filled shape may still be sent to the laser, so Preview and working in ‘wireframe’ / outline mode is safer.

What version of LightBurn and OS?

What format are these “images”? Are you saying that once you complete the import, this object (your “image”) is set to ‘Line’ on the current layer, and with that object selected, you can not change the ‘Cut Mode’ to ‘Fill’? Or you can change that object to ‘Fill’ but the job only produces a 'Line output? Not real clear.

Is there a reason you are not using ‘Open’ to open the .LBRN file?

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