Every time I choose the fill option, it’s prompts an overscan problem even though the image is within the limits. Then once I say ok to the overscan the machine tries to go outside the limits.
How do I fix this?
Every time I choose the fill option, it’s prompts an overscan problem even though the image is within the limits. Then once I say ok to the overscan the machine tries to go outside the limits.
How do I fix this?
Review the amount of overscan you have configured. If it’s excessive the expected scan travel could be quite long. You can see the effect of this in Preview.
Additionally, moving the shape away from the sides of the laser may give you additional travel to avoid a crash.
I’ve tried adjusting the overscan options, toggling it on and off, and also tried resizing the image and moving it everywhere in the workspace. The laser still tries to run immediately hard left outside of the boundaries of the limits
Which suggests some questions:
The error is telling you something is wrong, but the solution may not be what you expect.
See if this helps clarify overscan… the preview can show this … and maybe help you out on visualizing what it’s going to try and do.
You probably have to slow down or make your image smaller… I realize you have a grbl machine, but the basic physics are the same. Grbl has it generated, while the Ruida or dsp computes it internally.
Can you address the following:
im usings absolute coordinates for start from mode
it works perfectly fine with line option
ive tried multiple very simple designs, speeds, power settings to no avail.
if i turn overscan off when fill mode is active, the laser head doesnt even try to move
and i might add that this was all working perfectly before under the same settings. it just started one day after an update
This is getting curious. Perhaps some more deep diving is required.
Can you provide the following:
What was updated?
im sorry but i dont understand how to run commands in Console and return input, i have limited computer knowledge.
fill issue.lbrn2 (12.5 KB)
the update was just a computer update i believe
offset fill will still work fine but fill option still tells the laser to outside the boundaries
This situation is very curious. I don’t see anything obvious from what you’ve so far uploaded.
In LightBurn, open Console window. You can enter each command into the Console there. Once all the commands have been run, select all the text that was created and copy/paste that into a reply here.
Separate from that, with the same design loaded can you do File->Save Gcode, save to a file with .txt extension, then upload that file here.
Ah… I think I see the issue.
In Device Settings your Scanning Offsets seem to be quite strange. I think this is throwing off the scanning path creation.
I believe the “Initial Offset” value should be 0 for both entries.
I’d suggest deleting and recreating those entries.
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