FluidNC and LB1.1 not connecting

I can’t believe it. DTR enable WORKED.
Thankyou for all your assistance.
Now I have another issue (with Rotary axis) but will investigate more first.

Thanks Again.

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Thats interesting that Enable DTR worked. We will note this for the future. Do you know what control board you have? I know its ESP-32 based, but is it Barts 6-Pack, or the Fystec, or MKS board?

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I can’t speak for Aleka, but I’m using Bart’s ESP32 CNC Development Board v4.1 and I need to have DTR enabled.

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I’m just using a generic board connected to an original StepCraft 300 via DB25
This is the one I’m using https://www.jaycar.com.au/esp32-main-board-with-wifi-and-bluetooth-communication/p/XC3800

It’s all working great still and I’ve done about 18+ rotary laser jobs on some microphones with no issue,
except for having to swap the X & Y as the rotary is running in the Y axis not X like most and LB can’t deal with that from what I’ve discovered.
This was easy to do with FluidNC though by sending command to use a different config file, but make it tricky to do jogging, just gotta turn my head sideways to get the axis arrow right :slight_smile:


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