FluidNC and LB1.1 not connecting

Using FluidNC V3.4.6 on ESP32 works fine in version 1.0.6 of Lightburn but any version of LB1.1.* will no longer connect with FluidNC.
Tried everything I can think of but no luck.
Something has changed in LB with the update to 1.1.* that is not “talking” to the ESP32 properly anymore.
Noticed other topics that mention not being able to modify the GRBL settings when using FluidNC which is true, it uses a config file now not the $ settings as previous. Just make any changes via the WebUI of FluidNC.
The problem is now can’t even connect to the controller.

I’ve monitored the serial port data and when using LB1.0.* there is a $I command sent when LB connects which then returns the correct info from the controller.
When starting LB1.1.* it’s sending a G0 command when trying to connect and the controller doesn’t know how to respond so it all just sits there with LB sending heaps of G0 commands.

Any clues as to what i can try or is there something funky in LB.


Sometimes the baud rate isn’t applied properly.
I would try 115,200 as a troubleshooting step in LightBurn.

What are the communication options for the Web UI for FluidNC?
If there are some known communications defaults there please do screen-cap and share.

If we can’t get it talking, we should be able to roll you back to a previous set of Preferences from when it was last working ( without uninstalling / reinstalling ).

The baud is correct at 115200, I tried a few different options but no luck.
FluidNC uses a config file for setup, mine is attached.

Because of this the machine settings option in LB can’t be used to configure or change GRBL settings, nothing shows up as most the $ commands are not used anymore. $i works and return the info and $10 but that about it.

I did monitor the serial data for LB v1.0 and it sends a $I command during connect but LB V1.1 is sending a G0 command at connect, at least on my system anyway. Is this part of the Preferences you mentioned that can be rolled back or something else.

config.yaml.txt (2.2 KB)

Ok - If you’re willing, Let’s test the previous preferences.

With a fresh instance of LightBurn running (with no project loaded) click File,
then wheel down and click Load Prefs Backup.

Select a file with a date before when things went awry.
Click Load.

Attempt to connect to your FluidNC device.

Let me know what appears in the Console window.

What board are you using? And what OS? I’ve had no issues connecting to my MKS DLC32 on Mac with 1.1.04

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So Tried the preferences option but still no good.

I’ve tested on 2 systems, Win10x64 and Win7x32 and both have the same issue. I’m using an ESP32 board with FluidNC Firmware 3.4.6 that is connected to a StepCraft CNC / laser.

Have got LB V1.0.6 installed and working with FluidNC all OK no Problem. I changed the install location folder and then installed LB V1.1.04 so I can run either but i think they share the same config.

In V1.0.6 when I connect to the controller and Have the “Show All” option selected, I get the Waiting for Connection then it lists of all the details of the controller and finishes with OK and is then able to be used.

In V1.1.* when I connect and have “Show All” selected it shows “Waiting For Connection” then the window just scrolls with G0, one on each line.

Well, Changing the install location is not recommended or supported, for a reason. There are things that look for utilities in specific locations and when you install in other places, those break.

So that out of the way, LightBurn treats fluidNC as a GRBL connection over USB.

to check I just pulled the latest beta on a brand new windows 11 PC I’ve been setting up and connected my FluidNC test machine. This is the first machine I have setup on this laptop so there is no prior drivers or anything installed.

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That means it has chosen a COM port and is attempting to talk to what’s on the other end, but whatever is there isn’t responding. If you click the drop-down list next to the ‘Devices’ button, do other ports appear? Can you select them in turn to see if something responds?

Understand the install location issue but thanks for the clarification.
I’ve noticed your using FluidNC 3.4.4 so I’ll try rolling back in case there is a problem there as I’ve only been on 3.4.5 or 3.4.6
Also see your using LB1.2 is that a beta available.

The beta is available in the beta test group. But for this there shouldn’t be anything different. Are you connecting over USB or wifi? I can look at updating this board to 3.4.6. It looks like there has been a lot of updates in communication in the last couple weeks.

I rolled back to 3.4.4 and had the same problem. I’ll try LB1. 2 next.

How are you connecting? Can we see your device settings in Lightburn? Are you able to connect using fluidterm or other senders over the same method?

I’ve been connecting via USB in Lightburn.
Checked with current version of LaserGRBL and bCNC and both these connect and work no problem via USB. Also can access the FluidNC web GUI can control all OK.

I then found I can connect Lightburn v1.1 over the WIFI connection and this worked, I got a connection.
So it seems there is something with v1.1 and USB with FluidNC.
I found another forum thread that has the same issue but no resolution
[Custom Laser engraver ESP32 (GRBL 1.3a) not connecting]

Was keen to try the beta 1.2 but can’t seem to locate the section in the forum. can you please advise how this is done.


Can you send your device settings please?

Beta is currently invite only, I apologize. But I can tell you that 1.1.04 is also working as expected here.

Sorry not sure what you mean. FluidNC uses a config file and the machine set up interface doesn’t work.

What would you like me to send.

I believe @JoeSpanier is asking for a screenshot of Edit->Device Settings.

it would be helpful to also get your support data. go to Help->Generate Support Data. Then paste that into a new reply.

Here is the screen shot of Device Settings


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Try “Enable DTR signal.” Worked for me.

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