Focus Laser on Xtool S1

When I click DETECT it sends the code M368 but the laser module doesn’t move. How can I determine the focus on my S1? I have been using the Xtool XCS software and it works fine but I would like to use Lightburn for some of its features.

I solved the problem: The lid must be closed before clicking on Detect. Now I can at least get past this obstacle. XCS does not require the lid to be closed. I do hope that Lightburn adds all the S1 functionality to their software.

LightBurn plays no role in that behavior. That’s strictly on the firmware and how xTool have configured things.

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I’ve received confirmation that it’s on the schedule and it’s “Soon”. I can’t say when for sure. Our S1 isn’t here yet.

We weren’t informed of any of their customizations in advance.

Good to hear. Thank you!

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