Framing not working properly after update to and

Hi, I have red CO2 laser, 9000x600mm, Trocen AWC controler, everything worked perfectly for 2 years, until the update yesterday and today, and Problem is framing, when framing needs to be done, the machine does it from the machine zero position, upper left corner, not from the specified origin. Until now, framing always worked from the origin, and not from the zero position. Machine goes to zero, do framing from there, and then go back to zero and then to origin. Cutting and engraving for now works ok, origin is respected.

@JohnJohn @Rick
Trocen controller, maybe something still slipped?

@Knjigor Could you please help us try to replicate
a) could you send a few images: Your project, full screen lightburn
Device settings

b) a LBR project so we can replicate exactly with your design

c) if possible, and not too much to ask, maybe you could record screen or a small video and upload and share link to a online platform?

d) if you regress to 1.5.02 does it still happen?

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Of course, I will send everything later this afternoon, I am not in the workshop at the moment

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Ok, here are screenshots and videos.

pic. 01 project that have to be engraved (black) and cutout (blue layer), Origin is set to 29.12, 94.29 (x,y), that is current position of laser.

Pic. 02 - job origin is set to upper left corner as usual, but for some reasone start rom is red (it was black til this updates), and it is set to controler setting.

pic. 03 - Machine settings 1/2

pic. 04 - Machine settings 2/2

Pic. 05 - Device settings - basic

pic. 06 - Device settings - aditional

Pic. 07 - Lightburn settings - Display and Units

Pic. 08 - Lightburn settings - File settings

Project file (.lbrn2)
project.lbrn2 (16.8 KB)

Vid-01 wrong framing

Vid-02 - start of job from origin (started correctly, laser is turned off, but job start corectly from given origin)

Thanks @gilaraujo, we will take a look. :slight_smile:


A post was split to a new topic: Framing always from zero

We have posted a fix to resolve this issue in the Public Beta (← click) folder. Please download, test, and let us know your results. Thank you.

Installed and tried fix but stil the same situation, only difference is that it starts from given origin, but framing is acording to machine zero. Allso, Start from is stil locked down and cant be changed, as well as job origin…

I also have Sculpfun s9 and it is working ok, you can select job origin and start from, so it is Trocen AWC.

Apologies. Thank you, yes, we have updated this once more. Please try the same link and let us know how you progress.

I have just downloaded and installed update, now everything is ok. Thank you all.

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Thank you for your assists in getting this sorted. :slight_smile:

Is this at all related to the framing problem I brought up here?

Unlikely @CarlFisher as this issue was specific to the Trocen motion control systems. Please do continue your testing and let us know how you progress in your original thread. :slight_smile:

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