Gift Box for a Project

I needed some gift boxes of a particular size for a project. I couldn’t find the right size on line so designed my own in Lightburn. Blue lines are cuts and red are perferated cuts.


This looks really interesting and I will try it. What materials did you use for this?

Just card, trying different thicknesses.

The design works quite well just need to find some thicker card


Looks good. I have used Ram Board for making boxes. I have used a different style / design and instead of perf mode, I score my fold lines with an offset on Z.

Thanks, never heard of ram board, will have to look into it. Nice video.

It’s is essentially chipboard sold by the roll for use as floor protection during construction. It is available in two thicknesses. I use the “pro” stuff labeled as Ram Board that is 46 mil thick (not the Ram Board Home Edition stuff).

Have you tried (and discarded) the Templatemaker site? Your image reminded me of the web site, as only yesterday I was making similar boxes. I don’t think the site has the fold-over-and-lock that your design has. Nicely done.

Thanks, I’ll have a look at the file. I make a small product which will fit in the box, it will be an option for my customers to order a gift box with the product, but they will be posted out flat for the customer to make up themself, so that’s why I needed the folds and tabs to keep it held together without using glue.


This has inspired me to have another go at a box insert.


That could have saved a bit of work.

@HD-Fatboy, your response deserves so much more attention. What a wonderful utility you have provided a link to.

Note that it costs $ 10 per download, but in return you can make all the boxes you want from this one download, afterwards.

Or purchase an All-You-Can-Eat box package :slight_smile:

For people who use these boxes professionally, it is probably an ok solution.

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Another interesting site with plenty of designs, cash site.


For tabbed box design, there are some really great ones that have been linked on the forum in the past (including the you suggested):

My personal go to:

@Ash can you share the project?

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