Grafiktablett mit Lightburn

Ist es möglich Lightburn mit einem Grafiktablett zu benutzen?
Link zu einem Grafiktablett von Mediamarkt:[ga_query]=grafiktablett&queryMeta[queryHash]=08a7ddfad912aca436a803fd55663f11898bb8f1a7b7b49e54d846f634619940&queryMeta[queryRequestId]=08a7ddfad912aca436a803fd55663f11898bb8f1a7b7b49e54d846f634619940&user_input=grafiktablett&query_from_suggest=true

Not sure about that particular tablet you linked but somebody else here had success with an older model:

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In my experience (but this is some years ago) most of those tablets were either working as a mouse or could mimc it. So it should work, I guess.

You can also go for a tablet like Microsoft Surface Go, which can run LB directly, and you can use the common tablet functions at around 400€ (used ones even less).

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