I guess I’m not sure I follow what you’re expecting. There is a highlight on the collar which makes it lighter than the surrounding silhouette. Because you are using grayscale in “ron-paul-v2-image.lbrn2” with min power of 6% and max power of 10% it will push the lightest gray to 6% and the darkest gray to 10%. First, that’s not a lot of dynamic range especially when you consider you only have 100 levels of power on the Snapmaker to begin with. You’re effectively working with 5 possible shades.
The reason it’s burning the white is because of the inversion itself. Since the original image is a silhouette, that means with inversion the non-silhouetted portions will be engraved.
If you are going for a true silhouette I suggest you try using “threshold” for the image mode.
Also, can you confirm that your device is configured as Snapmaker by clicking on the Devices button, and then the name of your laser? Device type will show on the bottom of the Devices window.