GRBL M3 1.1e laser fires but will not engrave

I have a GRBL M3 1.1e. The laser will not engrave. The problem is not consistent. One day it will engrave and the next it will not. I also cannot get it to cut out a shape. Advise is greatly appreciated.

I would consider upgrading your firmware.

Thanks for the idea. But I changed the S value to 1000 and it is working now! I will keep your idea in mind if the problem returns.

Sigh. Tried again this morning. The problem is happening again.

How do I “upgrade the firmware”?

bit of conflicting data here
If you have a M3 motherboard GBRL, Smax should be 255
You can check by doing
press enter
press enter in console, and maybe copy/paste the whole output here
Check the $30 reading. is it 1000 or 255?

IF 1000, then probably your controller is not a M3, and you need to change the ccontroller type from M3 to GRLB (top)

also make sure you are not attempting to use mm/sec speeds where diodes usually run mm/min (Edit / settings you can change this default scale)

I changed the S value to 1000 after reading support documents.
Does this help?

that is not the core of the question
IF you have a M3 controller, it wont have enough definition to use S1000 as S-max because is 8bit.

You can check by doing
press enter

post the full output please

Is this what you mean?

where it says Type command here
press enter
Press enter
SCROLLLL upp and copy/paste all here please


After the console reports a long column of text, actually select all the text (like you would do in a word processing program), then copy the text (Ctrl+c), then paste (Ctrl+v) that directly in the reply here. A screen capture won’t be able to do it because there are many pages of text.

Waiting for connection…

























Project loaded in 4 milliseconds

The above line opened after I copied.

interesting zero output of the commands. Thats odd

Granted, I am new to this game but it shouldn’t be this difficult! What do you recommend?

honestly is more a matter of giving you the correct advise
To give you said advise we need to be sure on what you have as a machine. There are 1000’s of iterations and variants of modules and controllers

If you in fact have a M3 controller, S1000 on Svalue will bring problems down the line
I suspect however you have a newer controller.
Do you have a brand name or alink of your product?


This is all I have. The User Manual is not very helpful. Please don’t give up on me!

last request - picture of the machine? that would help too!

Found some documentation: Matches yours?

That’s it! Still need a picture?

i am honestly certain you do not have a M3, it was what Lightburn detected

Do this

Laser pannel - click devices
Delete the device it found

Click Create manually
Name it Iwecolor
400x400 (is really 410x400but no need to be that specific)

Go to Edit → settings
Make sure your lightburn is set to mm/min

Then try to engrave this little file
Dot Test with Angle.lbrn (46.3 KB)