Hard limit triggers

Can someone please help

Hi Candace

Welcome to the forum…

Not to be snotty sounding, but you’ve tripped a hard limit. We’ve all done that with grbl machines.

This may help us get started so we can help you.


No snottiness detected. I’m actually helping a friend and should probably let them explain. But I did trip it, how do I fix it? I’m on windows 7 Sony e series

Has this ever worked? Or is it something new?

Is it running a job when this occurs?

Do you have the proper machine origin in the device settings?


Brand new machine, starting fresh
No clue what I’m doing

When you power it up, does the head move and does it complete a home operation.

Homing is how these find where they are. Mine homes to the rear/left, my other led home to the front/left.

All of these home at 0, 0 in the coordinate system, this allows them to determine the quadrant they operate within.

Front/left indicates quadrant II

Front/Right is quadrant I

All of these mean there is a different set of numbers in the code. I would guess yours is the front right.

Check out these links…

If it doesn’t home, some don’t have the switches then follow down to other machines where they explain in more depth.

If you still have issues, we’re here…

Have fun


Oh and I’m running light burn 1.7.03

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This is what I get when I fire it up

Am still completely lost now it’s stuck in one corner and makes a slamming sound

Smack my head :disappointed_relieved:

Looking back, these are two different errors. The first one indicates the switch exists and it couldn’t back off it.

The machine should hit the switch, back off it, then more slowly move to the switch to detect it at a lower speed and increase accuracy.

The second error seems to indicate it can’t find the switch.

Can you physically see switches where it’s heading home?

You need to go over some of the settings that are in the grbl setup guide I mentioned.


What does the last error mean?

Hi jack im still having issues with homing. I just don’t get it. I’ve tried the videos and help centres and reading and watching almost everything I can. Please help

Did you go through the setup for your grbl machine?

If so, you’ve exceeded my grbl usage and that’s where you’re at now…

Maybe one of the others can help you zero in on success… @gilaraujo could help.


Thanks, Jack!

@Cleadley, it seems you are having, for the most part, motion issues.

Alarm 9 means your laser isn’t touching the switches correctly
Alarm 8 means your switches were touched but the laser was not able to pull back from the switches
Alarm 1 means your switches were touched while laser was in an engraving

So all tells me that something in the overall step-up of the laser is not accurate

A video of the laser homing (from the centre) would be ideal, maybe you could record and upload to youtube and share?
But if you lack a video, can you take a handful of pictures of the laser, especially the belts?

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