You have mounted it your diode allmost like I have, how did you connect it to your controller? And what laser(tube) settings do you use?
if you burn this logo with your co2 does it come out correct?
yes if i burn this with co2 it comes great just the diode behaving weird while engraving the diode comes with a adaptor the green color board where i have given a dc input and ttl and ground wire from the ruida controller cn6 port
Yes I see, which connections do you use from the ruida, pin 1 gnd and pin 3 ?
I set the Laser tube to RF with pre-ignition to make the diode work correctly
This works for me but I have seen that it does not work like desired for what ever reason. See this thread: Adding a diode to Ruida machine
There Someone got it working using pin 2 and 5 which I have not tried yet
Tried this also not working same problem…
tried what exactly and how are your laser machine settings?
i tried swaping the connections from the controller from GND to Analog 2 and LPWM2 to Lon still same issue
Did you get your diode working with Co2 machine?
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