Homing after installing limit switches

I recent installed limit switches to my sculpfun s9, i am trying to get it to home in the bottom left corner, the Zero point on the rulers, and it will not home there. it keeps going right and away. i have tried changing the origin in the device, and even created a new device to see if that worked, it did not. does anyone have any ideas?

You likely need to invert the direction of homing ($23).

Can you run this in Console:


And to confirm, you’re saying the laser head is travelling to the right and back, correct?



Target buffer size found




Homing cycle is not enabled in your Grbl settings.





































the other issue is it doesn’t save, i have to turn homing back on every time i power it up, and yes, moving right and back.

sorry, i had restarted it…





































I’ve noticed based on other posts that there is a newer version of the firmware. Seems that version may allow saves. You may want to see if you can find/get that update from Sculpfun.


Add this update to your current list of updates:


Retest home and report back.

i have emailed them about the firmware. there is nothing on their site about it.

Were you able to test homing with the $23=3?

yes, that worked properly.

the only other issue is it shows it at negative coordinates. instead of zero.

After homing issue these commands:


What are the results?
















Issue in Console:

G10 L2 P1 X-408.5 Y-398.5

Rehome and retest.

that solved the problems. now if i could only get a response from them about my firmware…

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ok, i have A firmware, not sure what it is at it is in chinese, new issue, how can i flash it? i have a mac and GRBL doesn’t work with mac…

I’d encourage you to find out the officially supported method for performing the update just so you’re staying within guiderails. I’m personally not familiar with how this is done officially for Sculpfun.

If that doesn’t pan out there is a command-line utility called AVRDUDE that’s used to do firmware upgrades on Arduino and Arduino-like boards. You could also do this from the Arduino IDE.

they sent pictures and a video on how to install their firmware. now i just need to figure out how to install it. Arduino software doesn’t see may board, and the avrdude it is little out of my grasp. i will do grbl and see if that will do it.

Can you link the instructions for the upgrade here?

i have the modified firmware from sculpfun, as well as the instructions. it is a 168 meg zip file, it is specific to the S9, do you have any suggestions as to where i can post the file?





































Ah… I didn’t realize that it was a package. Thought it was just something online. Wouldn’t ask you to self-host this but you could share from a cloud storage service like google drive or onedrive if you were inclined. There are also file transfer services like transferxl.com or wetransfer.com. transferxl might allow you to upload and create a link to a file without registering.

let me know if this works for you, these are the files for the limit switches, it allows you to edit and save in the firmware, the steps that you show me at least.

thanks for all of your help.

This may be a little tricky.

First, make sure you know the serial port for your laser. This should be identifiable from the Port field in the Laser window of LightBurn. Make a note of this. You should also be able to find it by opening a Terminal in Mac and running:

ls /dev/cu.usb*

Second, assuming you have Arduino IDE installed open a Terminal and confirm that this command returns a usage screen. If so, you should be able to use avrdude.


Third, make sure that the upgraded file XY-limit-202110.hex file is located in your current folder. The one you’re running the commands from.

In that case, you should be able to update the board using this command. I don’t currently have a mac or your board so can’t test it. I’ll warn that there’s a chance this could brick your controller. Likely not permanently but one that may be difficult to recover from without experience. So proceed only if you’re daring.

IMPORANT - replace the exact serial name identified above in the command where the XXXXXX are.

/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -pm328p -carduino -P/dev/cu.usbmodemXXXXXX -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:XY-Limit-202110.hex:i

If this errors, can you capture the contents and report back?

i apologize, i got it to work by using my wife laptop with LaserGRBL. as far as the “works for you” comment, i meant the download.

it seems to work very well. i just have to devise ways of getting around the homing when i use my atomstack rotary device.